October 2019 CPA Board Exam Results (Passers / Topnotchers)

October 2019 Exam Results October 2019 Certified Public Accountant Licensure examination results released in six (6) working days The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 2,075 out of 14,492 passed the Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination given by the Board of Accountancy in the cities of Manila, Baguio, Cagayan De…
CRYPTO: Taxation on crypto-assets

Previously: Accounting for non-monetary asset? and Valuation of crypto (in the context of IFRS 13). Levies on Crypto Outside PH Tax Authority Tax law and crypto have one thing in common. According to a leading crypto digital thinktank, Crypto Research…
CRYPTO: Valuation of crypto (in the context of IFRS 13)

Updates on previous article (CRYPTO: Accounting for non-monetary asset?) Philippine Interpretations Committee (PIC) Q&A, February 2019The Philippine Interpretations Committee (PIC) approved PIC Q&A No. 2019-02 discussing Accounting for Cryptographic Assets in February 2019. The four (4) possible subsets of crypto-assets…
CRYPTO: Accounting for non-monetary asset?

Background As you may have already knew, crypto-assets first gained traction (with the name ‘Bitcoin’ a.k.a. the ‘digital’ gold) following the 2008/9 global financial crisis – created by people who lost their trust and respect to governments and central banks.…